Accounting Is A Team Sport

Accounting is a team sport”. Tom Broetje said it right and by that, we mean that it requires the professional skills and talents of several people to produce an accurate report. In order to produce tax returns or inventory reports, you need employees who can work as bookkeepers, accountants, and even auditors. 

By understanding this you will be able to fully understand the different duties of each individual’s job. This will allow you to make the most out of your accountant and give them the tools they need in order for their job to be more efficient than ever before. An accountant can only do their job as efficiently as possible if team members are working together so make sure everyone knows what their role is before doing any big auditing projects.

Accounting Team Members

A bookkeeper is responsible for all financial aspects of the company. This person is responsible for keeping track of assets, liabilities, and expenses. They are usually in charge of inventory reports and invoices as well as completing sales tax reports. A bookkeeper is also responsible for ensuring that all records are up-to-date and correct. 

The accountant has the main responsibility to produce accurate financial statements and to demonstrate how the business’s assets, liabilities, income from sales and expenses need to be reported in order to measure performance accurately. The accountant works closely with the bookkeeper in order to ensure that all accounts are accurate by using principles established by accounting authorities such as IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards). 

An auditor is responsible for verifying and evaluating financial records such as sales, assets, and other items. An auditor can also assist in filling out financial reports. The auditor usually provides a third-party report that shows the company’s true financial results and presents the information in a way that is easy to understand. 

A chartered accountant or certified public accountant prepares financial statements, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, based on the accounting principles used by the company. A chartered accountant (CA) will provide a third-party report to further verify information in the financial reports produced by the bookkeeper or an auditor.

What Skills Do Each of These People Have

The bookkeeper works with the accountant in order to produce accurate financial statements. They use principles such as IFRS in order to produce accurate financial statements. An auditor will verify information in the financial reports being produced by accounting team members and provide a third-party report that shows the company’s true financial results. The chartered accountant or certified public accountant establishes accounting principles and is responsible for preparing financial statements based on these principles.

How Does Each of These People Work Together

The bookkeeper is responsible for ensuring that all financial records are up-to-date and correct. The accountant will then use the information from the bookkeeper in order to prepare tax returns, statements, or other reports. Next, the accountant works with an auditor or chartered accountant to ensure that all financial statements are accurate and up to date. Another important way for each person in your accounting team to work together is by establishing roles and responsibilities as well as reporting procedures.

 Make sure that everyone understands how their role affects other employees’ roles and how it helps to improve efficiency in completing important tasks. This is the most important way for everyone to be working together as a team. In order to improve your chances of success, make sure that there is trust among everyone on your team. 

This allows people to feel comfortable in sharing their concerns and ideas with each other. Having open communication can help bring potential problems to light before they have a chance to affect you as a business owner.


When it comes time for tax season, accounting season or any big audit project, it’s important to make sure all team members are pulling their weight and working together successfully. If someone isn’t pulling their weight then you should consider letting them go or giving them more responsibility so that they can prove themselves in the company.

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